/21 English Grammar English Grammar-01 1 / 21 — milk he gave me has been spilt. Choose the correct option. little few the little a few 2 / 21 Noun form of the word ‘comfortable’ is — comfortable comfort none comfortably 3 / 21 The book was neither well written nor interesting. Correct parts of speech of the underlined word? conjunction verb adjective adverb 4 / 21 There were — people in the hall, so we were not completely alone. fewer a few little very little 5 / 21 Which of the following is in feminine form? nun emperor boar drone 6 / 21 Few men are free from faults. Here ‘few’ means —. none not much some hardly any 7 / 21 What type of word is the underlined one? Honesty is a must in social life. Noun Adjective Pronoun Verb 8 / 21 I’m trying to calculate____. you owe me how many money. how many money you owe me. how much money you owe me you owe are how much money 9 / 21 Which of the following words is not a singular? datum agenda every each 10 / 21 Which is the noun of the word ‘wise’? wisdom wisely wise wish 11 / 21 The noun of the word ‘add’ is —. additive addition adding added 12 / 21 Seeing the baby the mother rose in her. Here ‘the mother’ is used as— an abstract noun a proper noun a common noun a collective 13 / 21 Do you have --- to do this afternoon? If not, I’d like to take you to a movie. much works many works much work many work 14 / 21 Which of the following word is in plural form? data basis medium formula 15 / 21 Which of the following is feminine gender? drake host mare cock 16 / 21 The Canterbury Tales, written about 1386, is as alive and — today as it was nearly 600 years ago. the appeal of appealed appealing appeal 17 / 21 It is an email address. In this sentence ‘email’ is —. Adjective Verb None of the above Adverb 18 / 21 Find out the noun of the word ‘acquit’. acquittal acquitation acquitasion acquition 19 / 21 I have — problems. lot a lots of a lot of lot many a 20 / 21 What is the antonym of the word ‘Abjure’? Arbitrate Appease Espouse Commingle 21 / 21 What is the antonym of ‘ANTIQUE’ ? modern colourful ancient beautiful Your score is 0% Restart quiz English Grammar English Grammar-02 The number of attempts remaining is 1 1 / 20 Which of the following is a masculine gender? stag doe roe vixen 2 / 20 What are the four questions that adverb can answer? Who? When? Where? Why? When? Where? how? why? When? where? to what extent/ degree/why? To what extent/ degree? when? where? how? 3 / 20 I was simply impressed to see — majestic place. a ten-years-old a ten-year-old ten-year-old ten-years-old 4 / 20 The man was carrying a ---- bag. black small plastic small and black small black plastic plastic small black 5 / 20 He is best analyzed in Dr. Saxena’s book. adjective adverb noun preposition 6 / 20 Which sentence is correct? Never I have seen such a mess? Neither such a mess I have seen Neither a mess I have seen Never have I seen such a mess 7 / 20 The antonym of the word ‘barren’ is — . waste sterile plain fertile 8 / 20 The synonym of ‘Bifurcation’ is — discontinue bend division radiate 9 / 20 He likes to read books, watch movies and —. playing cricket cricket play cricket cricket playing 10 / 20 I am fond of swimming. Here ‘swimming’ is —. a verb a present participle a gerund an adverb 11 / 20 Technology will play a key role in —. shaping to shape shape of shaped 12 / 20 Which one of the following is not the synonym of ‘corruption’? Bribery Extortion Nepotism Despotism 13 / 20 What is the synonym of ‘competent’? circumspect discrete inadequate prudent 14 / 20 What is the meaning of ‘cutting edge’? advanced sharp old fashioned injured 15 / 20 The antonym of ‘Cantankerous’ is; Gregarious Thimble Belligerent Cathartic 16 / 20 He is considering — there. go going to go gone 17 / 20 The past participle of ‘Slide’ is —. Slider Slad Sled Slid 18 / 20 I joined a riding school. Here ‘riding’ is —. Present Participle Past Participle Gerund Perfect Participle 19 / 20 Giving is better than receiving. Here the ‘receiving’ is a/an —. common noun adjective gerund present participle 20 / 20 Going there, he found his friend absent. Here ‘going’ is a —. gerund present participle noun past participle Your score is