Preposition & Conjunction

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প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের উত্তরের জন্য ৩০ সেকেন্ড সময় পাওয়া যাবে।


Free English Exam

Preposition & Conjunction

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 50

He has paid the penalty ---- his crimes ---- five years in prison.  

2 / 50

The girl entered —room laughing, her conduct admits ----- no excuse.

3 / 50

Many prefer donating money ---- distributing clothes. 

4 / 50

I shall appeal ---- the higher court ---- justice.

5 / 50

What are you so angry----?  

6 / 50

Credit Tk. 5000-----my account.

7 / 50

His words are susceptible ---- flattery.

8 / 50

Endive can be used ---- as a salad green or as a cooking vegetable.

9 / 50

Curd is made-------milk.

10 / 50

–––– the delay, they arrived on time.

11 / 50

I can agree ---- you ---- this point but I cannot agree ---- his proposal.

12 / 50

The train is bound to leave the station ------ time. What is the time ------ your watch?

13 / 50

He parted ---- his friends in tears, so he sank------ oblivion in course of time.

14 / 50

He had to repent----what he had done.

15 / 50

Lots of people are allergic — prawn.

16 / 50

The climate of new place is congenial ––– my health. 

17 / 50

“We want to take actions against the hoodlum.” Here ‘to’ is a/an ---.

18 / 50

Sympathy is akin — kindness.        

19 / 50

Thomas Eakins studied not only painting ---- anatomy when he was training to become an artist.

20 / 50

Wordsworth is a contemporary ____ Coleridge and he introduced the readers-------a new kind of poetry.

21 / 50

She did not buy it –––– the price was too high.

22 / 50

Choose the correct sentence:

23 / 50

The leader was a victim —— circumstances.

24 / 50

It was difficult to see the road clearly –––– the rain.

25 / 50

Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as the government ---the people, ---the people, ---- the people.   

26 / 50

She was not interested-----taking----- French, but decided---opt ----German instead.

27 / 50

I could not conceive ––– dishonesty in him. 

28 / 50

Strenuous exercises soon ____ meals is detrimental ____ health.

29 / 50

If you suffer any loss, we will compensate you — that loss.

30 / 50

You should not deprive your brother — his rights.

31 / 50

Jenny has lots of friends –––– her roommate.

32 / 50

Fortune never smiles —— the lazy.

33 / 50

He complied ––– my request. 

34 / 50

Rony took anthropology in lieu —history.  

35 / 50

The family doesn’t feel----going outing this season.

36 / 50

Is there anything special — the weekend — TV?

37 / 50

“There is no mother but loves her child.” Here ‘but’ is a/an ---.

38 / 50

39 / 50

The children were entrusted ---- the care of their uncle.

40 / 50

“I will help you provided you help me.” Here ‘provided’ is a/an ---.

41 / 50

I do not hanker — riches.  

42 / 50

The girl takes –––– her mother. 

43 / 50

Magazines –––– Times, Newsweek publish pictorial reports

44 / 50

The police are looking ---- the case.

45 / 50

–– the heavy rain, the baseball game was not canceled.

46 / 50

--- the government disapproves, cultivation of the opium poppy thrives.

47 / 50

Tina always confides ---- me.

48 / 50

As soon as he became rich, he cast –––– his old friends.  

49 / 50

Can you measure his contribution — our literature?

50 / 50

No sensible person can approve ----  lawlessness.

Your score is

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